Meet Carole Fisher: When helping others comes naturally

Carole Fisher

Carole Fisher, CEO of Nathan Adelson Hospice, has always known she wanted to make a career of helping people every day. Having achieved that goal, and in a leadership role, Fisher is a true Las Vegas success story.

If you became mayor of Las Vegas and had the power to change one thing about the city, what would it be?

I’d like to see everyone back to work.

Las Vegans are proud of their philanthropic efforts, but nationally we don’t rank very high. Thoughts?

I think we live in one of the most generous communities in the US. I’m always amazed by how people are willing to help, regardless of their income. During the recession, people haven’t been able to give as much money, but we’ve gotten more and more volunteers giving their time.

What’s the best advice your mother gave you?

I rode horses at a young age, and I was always falling off or getting dirty. She always told me “make sure you have clean underwear.”

What was your first job?

Baby-sitting. I baby-sat for some neighbors. We lived right outside Philadelphia.

What was your worst job?

Waitressing in Fort Lauderdale, FL. It was a nice restaurant, right on the water. I was 17 years old. I had to carry those big trays. I’m sure I dropped something while I worked there. It was my first experience with customer service.

Do you have a business philosophy?

I believe I shouldn’t ask people to do anything I wouldn’t do myself.

What’s the one movie you could watch over and over again?

I hate watching movies twice.

Do you ever imagine yourself moving out of Las Vegas?

Yes, I do think about that sometimes. But, I always gravitate back here. Las Vegas has been good to me. I don’t see myself ever leaving permanently.

What’s your favorite vacation spot?

Laguna Beach. Anywhere in Southern California, really. I love the beach, but I never go in the water.

What kind of car do you drive?

A red Prius.

Do you have a favorite pair of shoes?

They’re not for work. My favorites are sandals. They’re pink and have bows on them.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wasn’t sure, but I knew I wanted to help people.

If you had your own TV show, for yourself or for your business, what would it be called?

It would be a sitcom. I like to have fun, like to laugh. It would be called Kaleidoscope. It’s colorful.

