40 Under 40: Ashley Brooke Fiumara, Co-CEO, OPTX

Ashley Brooke Fiumara

Friends call her Ashley. Colleagues call her Brooke. Family members call her Ash Brooke. But whatever you call her, Ashley Brooke Fiumara answers. After rising through the ranks in casino and gaming marketing, Fiumara saw a void for a complete software solution for the industry. She may not have had the technical expertise, but she had the drive to find a solution.

In 2019, Fiumara started OPTX to unite player and machine data from all of a resort’s systems and operationalize it into a single actionable view. Her ability to envision a solution, communicate the idea and organize a path from development to market has rapidly led OPTX from a start-up to a revenue-generating business. Part of her success is her inclusive leadership style—bringing together more than 35 team members with a common purpose.

Fiumara is passionate about the development and growth of women leaders in the gaming industry. She moderates a lean-in circle for women in gaming and also sit on the marketing committee for nonprofit Global Gaming Women.

