Mon, Dec 24, 2018 (2 a.m.)
Chamber and top executive | Total number of members | Who can join? | Annual dues | Types of networking events | |
1 | Las Vegas Metro Chamber of Commerce Las Vegas, NV 89106 702-586-3834 • lvchamber.com Mary Beth Sewald | 4,000 | Any business, nonprofit or startup company | $599 | Morning mingle, new member orientation, lunches |
2 | Latin Chamber of Commerce Las Vegas, NV 89101 702-385-7367 • lvlcc.com Peter Guzman | 1,650 | Anyone | Varies | Monthly luncheons, Desayunos con Amigos, mixers, LCC Young Professionals mixers, LCC Mujeres Group mixers, LCC Golf, LCC La Oportunidad, LCC Gala |
3 | Henderson Chamber of Commerce Henderson, NV 89074 702-565-8951 • hendersonchamber.com Scott Muelrath | 1,601 | Any business | $450-$1500 | Breakfasts, Roadmap to Success workshop series, community days, mixers and new member briefings |
4 | Asian Chamber of Commerce Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV 89146 702-737-4300 • lvacc.org Sonny Vinuya | 585 | Anyone | $150-$300 | Monthly luncheon, networking mixers, seminars, signature events |
5 | Women’s Chamber of Commerce of Nevada Las Vegas, NV 89102 702-733-3955 • womenschamberofnevada.org June L. Beland | 515 | Men and women—students, small business, nonprofits, executives, corporations | $399 up to $5,000 | Awards, breakfast series, education workshops, luncheons, mixers and more |
Source: VEGAS INC research. This list is a representation of the companies who responded to our request for information. It is not the intent of this list to endorse the participants or to imply that the listing of a company indicates its quality. Although every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of VEGAS INC charts, omissions sometimes occur and some businesses do not respond. Please send corrections or additions to [email protected].