Mon, Jan 22, 2018 (2 a.m.)
Company | Revenue | Trips | Revenue/trip | Medallion plates | Companies | Top local executive | |
1 | Yellow Checker Star Transportation 5225 W. Post Road Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-873-8012 • ycstrans.com | $79,243,930 | 4,918,928 | $16.11 | 813 | Checker Cab Co., Star Cab Co., Yellow Cab Co. | Jonathan Schwartz, president/member of the board of directors |
2 | Frias Transportation Management 5010 S. Valley View Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-798-3498 • lvcabs.com | $73,001,130 | 4,824,926 | $15.13 | 1,060 | Ace Cab, ANLV Cab, Union Cab, Vegas Western Cab, Virgin Valley Cab | Danny Wade, CEO |
3 | Whittlesea-Bell Corp. 1900 Industrial Road Las Vegas, NV 89102 702-384-2322 • belllimousine.com | $40,297,970 | 2,482,931 | $16.23 | 511 | Henderson Taxi, Whittlesea Blue Cab Co. | Brent Bell, CEO |
4 | Desert Cab 4675 Wynn Road Las Vegas, NV 89103 702-386-4828 • desertcabinc.com | $29,946,378 | 1,689,023 | $17.73 | 229 | Desert Cab | George Balaban, owner |
5 | Nellis Cab 5490 Cameron St. Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-248-1111 • nelliscab.com | $24,580,641 | 1,479,870 | $16.61 | 224 | Nellis Cab Co. | Did not disclose |
6 | Lucky Transportation 4195 W. Diablo Drive Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-477-7555 • luckylimolv.com | $17,523,126 | 1,077,683 | $16.26 | 184 | Lucky Cab Co. | Did not disclose |
7 | Western Cab 4195 W. Diablo Drive Las Vegas, NV 89101 702-736-8000 • westerncabcompany.com | $17,440,372 | 1,126,639 | $15.48 | 228 | Western Cab Co. | Did not disclose |
8 | A-Cab 1500 E. Searles Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89101 702-365-1900 • acablv.com | $9,002,277 | 550,598 | $16.35 | 145 | A-Cab Co. | John Gathright, general manager |
9 | Deluxe Cab 6055 Emerald Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89122 702-568-7700 • deluxetaxicabservice.com | $7,221,997 | 415,296 | $17.39 | 136 | Deluxe Cab Co. | Steve Finley, general manager |
Source: VEGAS INC research. It is not the intent of this list to endorse the participants or to imply that the listing of a company indicates its quality. Visit vegasinc.com for more. Although every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of VEGAS INC charts, omissions sometimes occur and some businesses do not respond. Please send corrections or additions to Jamie Gentner, research associate, [email protected]. Send mail care of VEGAS INC, 2275 Corporate Circle, Third floor, Henderson, NV 89074.