Mon, Nov 19, 2018 (2 a.m.)
Facility | Operating revenue | Net income (loss) | Total licensed beds | |
1 | University Medical Center of Southern Nevada 1800 W. Charleston Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702-383-2000 • umcsn.com | $164,432,082 | ($5,291,253) | 541 |
2 | Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center 3186 S. Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, NV 89109 702-961-5000 • sunrisehospital.com | $158,662,119 | $13,009,842 | 690 |
3 | St. Rose Dominican Hospitals—Siena Campus 3001 St. Rose Parkway Henderson, NV 89052 855-383-6339 • dignityhealth.org | $117,034,258 | $10,133,237 | 326 |
4 | MountainView Hospital 3100 N. Tenaya Way Las Vegas, NV 89128 702-962-5000 • mountainview-hospital.com | $104,720,896 | $5,907,634 | 341 |
5 | Summerlin Hospital Medical Center 657 N. Town Center Drive Las Vegas, NV 89144 702-233-7000 • summerlinhospital.com | $101,716,462 | $15,181,394 | 454 |
6 | Spring Valley Hospital Medical Center 5400 S. Rainbow Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-853-3000 • springvalleyhospital.com | $79,544,271 | $11,416,187 | 292 |
7 | Valley Hospital Medical Center 620 Shadow Lane Las Vegas, NV 89106 702-388-4000 • valleyhospital.net | $68,266,202 | $4,938,003 | 301 |
8 | Centennial Hills Hospital Medical Center 6900 N. Durango Drive Las Vegas, NV 89149 702-835-9700 • centennialhillshospital.com | $64,872,673 | $11,346,464 | 250 |
9 | Desert Springs Hospital Medical Center 2075 E. Flamingo Road Las Vegas, NV 89119 702-733-8800 • desertspringshospital.com | $57,720,135 | $3,616,736 | 293 |
10 | Southern Hills Hospital and Medical Center 9300 W. Sunset Road Las Vegas, NV 89148 702-916-5000 • southernhillshospital.com | $46,878,469 | $4,042,474 | 186 |
11 | St. Rose Dominican Hospitals—San Martin Campus 8280 W. Warm Springs Road Las Vegas, NV 89113 702-492-8000 • dignityhealth.org | $46,837,170 | ($2,852,872) | 147 |
12 | Henderson Hospital 1050 W. Galleria Drive Henderson, NV 89011 702-963-7000 • hendersonhospital.com | $32,871,550 | ($1,961,466) | 142 |
13 | St. Rose Dominican Hospitals - Rose de Lima Campus 102 E. Lake Mead Parkway Henderson, NV 89015 702-564-2622 • dignityhealth.org | $24,524,312 | ($7,017,496) | 110 |
14 | North Vista Hospital 1409 E. Lake Mead Blvd. North Las Vegas, NV 89030 702-649-7711 • northvistahospital.com | $21,615,964 | ($1,348,295) | 177 |
15 | Mountain’s Edge Hospital 8656 W. Patrick Lane Las Vegas, NV 89148 702-777-7100 • mountainsedgehospital.com | $6,364,487 | ($575,234) | 130 |
16 | Dignity Health - St. Rose Dominican North Las Vegas 1550 W. Craig Road North Las Vegas, NV 89032 702-777-3615 • dignityhealth.org | $3,189,110 | ($333,762) | 8 |
17 | Dignity Health - St. Rose Dominican Blue Diamond 4855 Blue Diamond Road Las Vegas, NV 89139 702-216-7305 • dignityhealth.org | $2,906,686 | $316,452 | 8 |
18 | Las Vegas-AMG Specialty Hospital 4015 McLeod Drive Las Vegas, NV 89121 702-433-2200 • amgvegas.com | $1,989,528 | $67,099 | 24 |
19 | Dignity Health - St. Rose Dominican West Flamingo 9892 W. Flamingo Road Las Vegas, NV 89147 702-216-7335 • dignityhealth.org | $1,518,232 | ($1,025,674) | 8 |
20 | Dignity Health - St. Rose Dominican Sahara 4980 W. Sahara Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89146 702-216-7365 • dignityhealth.org | $248,572 | ($1,185,642) | 8 |
Source: VEGAS INC research of the Nevada Compare Care Website. This list is a representation of the companies who responded to our request for information. It is not the intent of this list to endorse the participants or to imply that the listing of a company indicates its quality. Although every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of VEGAS INC charts, omissions sometimes occur and some businesses do not respond. Please send corrections or additions to [email protected].
This story originally appeared in the Las Vegas Weekly.