Mon, Oct 15, 2018 (2 a.m.)
Organization and top director | Number of members | Who can join | Fee/time frame | |
1 | Better Business Bureau of Southern Nevada 6040 S. Jones Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89118 702-320-4500 • sn.bbb.org George Cartwright | More than 3,300 | Businesses | Varies |
2 | Las Vegas HEALS One Breakthrough Way, Suite 155 Las Vegas, NV 89147 702-952-2477 • lasvegasheals.org/ Doug Geinzer | More than 800 | Businesses and individuals with an interest in health care | Varies |
3 | Las Vegas Hospitality Association PO Box 98346 Las Vegas, NV 89193-8346 mylvha.org Shannon Trujillo | 600 | Local hospitality and tourism industry professionals | $125 |
4 | NAIOP Southern Nevada 1880 E. Warm Springs Road, Suite 100 Las Vegas, NV 89119 702 798-7194 • naiopnv.org Katrina Bruce | 534 | Anyone involved in commercial real estate | Varies |
5 | Women’s Chamber of Commerce of Nevada 2300 W. Sahara Ave., Suite 800 Las Vegas, NV 89102 702.733.3955 • womenschamberofnevada.org June Beland | 525 | Businesses & Executives | $150 up to $5,000 |
6 | Nevada Contractors Association 150 N. Durango Drive, Suite 100 Las Vegas, NV 89145 702-796-9986 • nvcontractors.org Sean Stewart | 500 | All businesses affiliated with the construction industry | Varies |
7 | Southern Nevada Home Builders Association 4175 S. Riley St., Suite 100 Las Vegas, NV 89147 702-794-0117 • snhba.com Nat Hodgson | 444 | Anyone in the residential construction industry | Varies |
8 | Nevada Self Storage Association PO Box 94795 Las Vegas, NV 89193 702-952-2455 • nvssa.org Katrina Bruce | 160 | Self storage owner/operators and their supportive vendor suppliers | Varies |
9 | Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers PO Box 50049 Henderson, NV 89016 702-812-6932 • agem.org Marcus Prater | 150 | Gaming suppliers and supporters of the gaming supplier sector | $1,000-$10,000 |
Source: VEGAS INC research. This list is a representation of the companies who responded to our request for information. It is not the intent of this list to endorse the participants or to imply that the listing of a company indicates its quality. Although every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of VEGAS INC charts, omissions sometimes occur and some businesses do not respond. Please send corrections or additions to [email protected].
This story originally appeared in the Las Vegas Weekly.