Getting personal with Colliers Co-Founder Mike Mixer

Colliers Co-founder and Managing Partner Mike Mixer

What type of computer operating system do you prefer?

I’m all Apple at home. Unfortunately, our office is all PC based. Yet, I have an iPhone. I’ve always been an Apple fan. I like the intuitive system.

Do you have a catchphrase?

“No worries.” Change or issues come up, but is it life or death? Probably not. Let’s not get caught up on it, no worries.

What’s the one CD you would want if you were on a desert island?

U2’s Joshua Tree. I love every song on that album. It just resonates positively with me.

If you could have a meal with one person, who would it be?

The Dalai Lama. I’m intrigued by the Buddhist faith. We’ve gone through such a big swing in the recession. It makes you think about what’s important in your life. Buddhist philosophy is realizing that happiness isn’t related to possessions, that you can be happy in good times or bad.

What was your first job?

I worked at a gourmet delicatessen in Sunnyvale, CA, cutting meats and cheeses. My first job was a butchers union job. I haven’t had one since.

What was your worst job?

When I was at UNLV, I worked for a piano moving company. One of our first jobs was replacing the piano in the Elvis Presley suite in the Las Vegas Hilton. It was hard labor. I’m surprised I didn’t throw my back out.

What type of watch do you wear?

My favorite watch is a Panerai. It’s an Italian-designed, Swiss-made watch that was battle tested by the Italian navy in World War I. As an avid surfer and scuba diver, I appreciate the sturdy build.

We all want to know: what make and model car do you drive?

A black Cadillac Escalade.

Without thinking too long about it, what’s your most precious possession?

My two kids, Maddox, 6, and Morgan, 8.

What type of pen do you use?

I have a couple of special pens I never use. Every day I use nothing in particular. I have a cup of pens. I have a Montblanc and a really, really nice Montblanc with an ink well, but I’ve never had the chance to use it.

What’s your favorite vacation spot?

Hawaii. I love the ocean, always have. No matter when you go, it’s always summer.

What’s your favorite restaurant to close a business deal?

Tossup between Country Club at the Wynn—it’s off the beaten path, so for closing a deal, it’s great. And The Capital Grille.

What are you most looking forward to seeing in VEGAS INC?

Fresh perspective. I love that you’ve got a different set of eyes looking at the old paradigm and saying we can do it better. I loved it before. It wasn’t broken, but I’m really intrigued.
