Steven Peralta
Director of Philanthropy for the College of Medicine, Roseman University of Health Sciences
Where were you when you received your 40 Under 40 award? I was fairly new to my role as the Director of Philanthropy overseeing the major gifts and the capital campaign program for the College of Medicine.
Biggest accomplishment since you were awarded? Being in the philanthropy space is all about ethics and trust. The community is entrusting us to be good stewards of their investment. Last year, we were very fortunate to have a lead gift of $10 million dollars from the Engelstad Family Foundation to help our College of Medicine become accredited with the Liaison Committee on Medical Education.
What do you want to accomplish? From a business standpoint, I would like for us to accomplish our Phase I goal of raising $66 million that is needed for our College of Medicine to become accredited. Once our college can achieve that, we begin recruiting students, expand our patient care services practice group and begin doing incredible medical research that our community desperately needs.
Anything you learned the hard way? Don’t try to argue with your wife, you will never win. And if you do, you’ll sleep on the couch. A happy wife is a happy life!
Who is your business hero, local or global? Being originally from Seattle I’ve been a huge fan of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill Gates for his logical and intuitive nature, always asking “how” we can solve some of the world’s most pressing problems, and Melinda Gates for asking “why” we should be taking on these issues.
Lisa Montague
Lisa Montague
Partner and vice president of media and operations at MassMedia
Where were you when you received your 40 Under 40 award? I was MassMedia’s vice president of media and operations. Having joined MassMedia in 2014, I was at a pivotal point in my career where I was becoming more integrated into agency operations and setting myself up for success to hold a partner position in the future.
Biggest accomplishment since you were awarded? Becoming a partner at MassMedia. This agency has allowed me to be a part of an amazing group of talented people, and I am honored to lead us in the next stage of growth.
What do you want to accomplish? Personally, I want to get more involved and more intentional in every aspect of my life. As partner of MassMedia, my goals are to continue to improve our presence online, in the community and with our current and new clients.
Anything you learned the hard way? You can’t live in the shadows. It is so important to stand up for what you believe in and vocalize your message. Our voice matters—and what we say and do can truly make an impact and help our society. Throughout my career, I have learned that in order to evoke change and growth, I must step out of my comfort zone.
Best advice? My best advice is to work hard, set goals for yourself and make them happen. Life can be overwhelming, so when it gets difficult you should pull yourself up to a bird’s-eye view and align your priorities with your goals. Work through your challenges and do not get discouraged. Good things do not happen overnight.