40 Under 40: Sean Walker, President, The Taffer Companies

Sean Walker

“A cocktail requires the perfect ratio of three parts: spirits, sweetness, and sourness,” Sean Walker said. “It’s called the golden ratio. I feel a leader also requires the perfect ratio of three parts: authenticity (spirits), ability to empathize (sweetness) and just the right amount of adaptability (sourness). I work hard every day to find that golden ratio within business, personally and in my community.”

When Walker received a call from Jon Taffer offering him a position, he jumped at the opportunity. Walker loves hospitality and the ability he has within it to bring a smile to peoples’ faces. Though the pandemic hit hospitality and dining services especially hard, Walker and his team were able to open the Jon Taffer restaurant franchise during it all.

Being inventive is part of the job. Walker’s creativity and determination have set the scene for success in a difficult economic climate. Walker exceeds industry standards while empowering and motivating his teams. His leadership is visible through the success of his endeavors.

Walker encourages everyone to volunteer their time and resources to strengthen the community. Personally, he has served with organizations including Relay for Life, Social CirKish, R&R Partners Foundation, Grant a Gift Autism Foundation, The Animal Foundation and charitable giving within Jon Taffer's organizations.
