Chefs for Kids

- 8050 Paradise Road, Suite 100
- Las Vegas, NV 89123
- Directions
- (725) 333-BEET
- https://chefsforkids.org/
- E-mail: [email protected]
Our Mission
Chefs for Kids is on a mission to alleviate malnutrition and hunger in children through education and awareness.
Our Vision
Our vision is to have a community of individuals that cares and prioritizes the health habits of younger generations.
Fundraising Opportunities
For three decades, Chefs for Kids has provided Clark County Title I schools with programs that feed children and teach them about healthy food options, nutrition education, and the importance of physical exercise. With strategic partnering, your business will help our programs continue to flourish.
Dinner and Auction: Our biggest fundraiser of the year is hosted every spring. Support us by purchasing a ticket, or donating items/packages to our live and silent auctions. Item donations are accepted year-round. Event sponsorships are also available.
Smith’s Food & Drug: Link your shopping card and when you buy groceries, Smith’s donates a portion back to help us educate and feed children.
Spark Good at Walmart.com: Walmart.com shoppers can spark some good for Chefs for Kids by rounding up online purchases at checkout. Visit walmart.com/sparkgood & sign up today to support nutrition education and combat food insecurity in Southern Nevada.
Volunteer Opportunities
We are a mostly all-volunteer based nonprofit, and have whipped up some opportunities to help:
Cookin’ Up Breakfast: Each month a host chef organization prepares a nutritious meal for the entire student body at a designated school. We are always looking for restaurants/culinary teams to prepare, cook, and deliver the breakfast along with helping hands from community members to volunteer to serve too.
Chefs for Kids Dinner & Auction: Interested in event planning? Love to decorate? Have a lot of contacts that could help donate items to our silent auction? Be a part of the committee that helps plan our largest fundraiser.
Events: Along with Chefs for Kids Dinner & Auction, there are several events hosted throughout the year where we need on-site volunteers ready to jump into action.
Giving Opportunities
Individual Donation: Give $5. Give $100. Give $10,000. No donation is too small.
Employee Giving/Employer Matching: Check with your company to see if it offers employee charitable giving plans to nonprofits through payroll deduction.
Legacy Giving: Whether it’s through your will, retirement assets, life insurance, or a Charitable Remainder Trust, there are many options to ensure your legacy supports our mission for years to come.
Corporate Sponsorships: Become a healthy eating hero today by providing the necessary funds to carry out our programs such as Cookin’ Up Breakfast and Holiday Helpings.
Charitable Events: Hosting an event with a charitable component, such as a golf tournament, charity of the month special offer, giving dinner, etc. and looking for a fresh new organization to support? Chefs for Kids is happy to partner with you.
Holiday Helpings: We need companies to underwrite our Holiday Helpings initiative so we can fund food; grocery cards; placemats; nutrition education literature; and our superhero produce bags.
Year Established
Service Area
Southern Nevada
Board of Directors
Chairman, Hekili Apao, Ho’omau Consulting & Brokerage
President, Vic Vegas, Nicholas and Company
Vice President, Mark Sandoval, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Treasurer, Richard Cino, Retired Chef
Secretary, Lydia Brown, Rich Foods Corporation
Board Members
Lucio Arancibia, ACF Chefs Las Vegas Board President
Christopher Johns, South Point Hotel, Casino & Spa
Mark LaVoie, Boyd Gaming
Michael Mall, Greenspun Media Group
Don Martin, Snell & Wilmer
David Orr, Critical Mass Health, LLC
Jamie Poltrock, South Point Hotel, Casino & Spa