Kyle B. Hansen
- Power outage hits nearly 800 customers, closes two state offices
- Tuesday, July 1, 2014
- Nearly 800 NV Energy customers lost power late this morning due to construction near Warm Springs Road and the 215 Beltway, the ...
- 13 reasons Las Vegas is a lucky place — even on Friday the 13th
- Friday, June 13, 2014
- Don't worry: It may be Friday the 13th, but Las Vegas is a lucky place. If you're still feeling a little bit of triskaidekaphobia – fear of the number 13 – we've built a little guide for you on how to find some good luck, plus a few reminders of the extra steps casinos take to keep you feeling the good fortunes. Forget the rabbits' feet, horseshoes and wishbones ...
- Need another chance? Here are more casino carpets to test your skills
- Tuesday, May 20, 2014
- We asked last week how well you knew Las Vegas by seeing if you could match carpet samples to the correct casino. It wasn't easy. Many people didn't do well. If you were one of them, here's your chance to redeem yourself: 10 more carpets. How many can you match to the casino?
- Reports: Las Vegas good for new grads to find jobs, but not with small businesses
- Wednesday, May 14, 2014
- One website said this week that Nevada is the third best state for college graduates to get a job. But those jobs don't seem to be with small businesses, since ...
- Nevadans are worst in nation at charity, poll says
- Tuesday, May 13, 2014
- Ebenezer Scrooge might feel at home in Nevada before his Christmas Eve reformation. In a report on charitable giving by state, Nevada came in ...
- Think you’re a Vegas expert? Can you match the carpet to the right casino?
- Tuesday, May 13, 2014
- How well do you know Las Vegas? Take this quick quiz to see how well you know some of Las Vegas' iconic casinos — based on their carpet.
- Working moms might be better off outside Nevada, report says
- Tuesday, May 6, 2014
- For working moms, Nevada may be one of the worst places to be, according to a new report from finance website ...
- Massive explosion still a memory in Las Vegas
- Sunday, May 4, 2014
- Twenty-six years ago today, a massive explosion at Pacific Engineering & Production Company of Nevada — known as PEPCON — in Henderson killed two people, caused $70 million in damage and sent shock ...
- Best? Worst? Nevadans weigh in on how their state ranks
- Saturday, April 26, 2014
- A third of Nevadans say their state is the best or one of the best states in which to live, according to a new survey. If that sounds pretty good, it's really not. ...
- Nevada looks bad in report on financial literacy
- Tuesday, April 22, 2014
- Do you have a rainy day fund? If you're a Nevadan and you don't, you're apparently ...
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