Ric Anderson
- RTC chief bullish on bird’s-eye view of transportation in the valley
- Monday, Nov. 1, 2021
- As CEO of the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, M.J. Maynard’s job is to help make it easier for people to get around in the Las Vegas Valley ...
- The story of SB452: How an unlikely alliance helped block a plan to allow casinos to become gun-free zones
- Sunday, July 4, 2021
- The defeat of the proposed legislation was a stunning and frustrating setback for gun-safety advocates, who had argued that the bill was an appropriate reaction to a recent rise ...
- State treasurer digs into the details to try to make life better for Nevadans
- Monday, May 24, 2021
- Nevada State Treasurer Zach Conine forged a successful career as a casino executive and business consultant before entering public service. Why did he make the switch — and take the pay cut that came with it?
- Why Nevada deserves special federal aid
- Friday, April 17, 2020
- By early March, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had issued an advisory against crowds of more than 250 people, yet Florida’s beaches were jumping with spring breakers. Nevada was different — it moved quickly to shoulder the responsibility for the safety of its workers, our residents, our guests and …
- Las Vegas’ Asian businesses felt the coronavirus’ financial effects sooner than most
- Monday, March 23, 2020
- The Asian community in Las Vegas was the first to feel the economic effects of the outbreak and therefore has suffered the longest, starting in late January, when the Trump administration imposed restrictions on travel to the U.S. from China.
- With video billboard messages in heart of Strip, Bloomberg turns the tables on Trump
- Friday, Feb. 21, 2020
- As Donald Trump staged a rally Friday in Las Vegas, Mike Bloomberg found a creative way to try to get under the president’s notoriously thin skin — bigly. Bloomberg, the New York billionaire and Democratic presidential candidate, bought time on ...
- Mecum Auctions event rolls into final day with cars, guitars and neon
- Saturday, Oct. 12, 2019
- Mecum Auctions has sprinkled some distinctive local flavor into the company’s third-annual car auction this year in Las Vegas ...
- Former regents chair disapproved of Page's behavior toward UNLV
- Wednesday, July 24, 2019
- For the first time, an overseer of the state’s higher education system has indicated that Nevada Regent Kevin Page acted inappropriately in 2015 when he pressed UNLV to give special treatment to one of his relatives. Rick Trachok, who has served twice as the board’s chair since becoming a regent in 2011, said in an email that ...
- Sources say Page violated regents ethics policy in strong-arming UNLV
- Tuesday, July 23, 2019
- Before Nevada Regent Kevin Page tried to pressure UNLV into giving special treatment to one of his family members in 2015, the Board of Regents had adopted ethics standards specifically prohibiting ...
- Analysis: Was threat against UNLV part of a power play by regents?
- Wednesday, July 17, 2019
- Recently, it was revealed that Nevada Regent Kevin Page threatened UNLV officials with retaliation in 2015 if they didn't give special treatment to one of his relatives who was a student at the time. Now, the campus community wonders if the threat led to ...
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